Monday, February 21, 2005

And we do this WHY????

Liv Arneson and Ann Bancroft are setting off once again on a nicker freezing tour. This time they are going to cross the Atlantic. The local liberal rag that carried the story here. Warning, they will probably want you to register.

So here is my question, in today's world of super satellites, global mapping, ability to measure ice densities, and all of the remote science that we can perform, WHY in the HELL would two people cross the frozen north? In the name of science? Bullshit! In the name of themselves, probably a lot closer to the truth. What really get me is if these two "EXPLORERS" (ok, TIME out. Explorers...Really, is there any place left on this friggin planet to explore? I mean really dark continent exploration? Nope, sure as shit ain't.) get into trouble, someone is going to spend an ass load of money to rescue them....Because they went exploring something that DOESN'T NEED TO BE EXPLORED!!! Wanna impress me? Strap a rocket to your ass, spend 3 months in the frozen dark and go explore Mars! That's a friggin explorer!

Thing that pissed me off today: Pro Kerry bumper stickers. For those of you with a pro Kerry/ anti Bush bumper sticker, go buy a friggin razor blade and SCRAPE THAT SHIT OFF!!! Election is over. GET OVER IT!

Anyway... That's my opinion.


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