Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Lions, Vaders, and Potter....Oh MY!

Took the wee ones to the movies on Mothers Day. It was their first movie. I did not know that two small children could consume almost two buckets of popcorn....BEFORE THE MOVIE STARTED! Ok, a little exaggeration on the time it took, but they did put the popcorn away with gusto!

Ok, link city time.

Narnia. If you recognize the word, I don't have to explain. If you don't, I have some suggested reading for you and your children! Course you could see the movie.

Vader. Nuff' said!

Potter, Harry Potter. If you even ask, you have been living in a hole for years too many to count.

Wonka! If you don't know, I have more reading for you.

Ok, now on to more time wasting things.

Wasting time with the stick man! No directions, you will figure it out.

Feel like taking out some frustrations? Remember when you were a kid and you used to ruin the lives of ants with your magnifing glass?

Friday, May 06, 2005


It is Friday and I am soooooooo looking forward to the weekend. Spend some time with the kids outside for a change! Got my mothers day shopping done early (yesterday) so I don't have to worry about that. Going to take the wee ones to the movie on Sunday. Robots, cuz the misses and I like cartoons and only had children as an excuse.

So, where have I been?

StarWars Episode III is coming out. This is good. I have always wanted to know how to build a lightsaber. Have you? You have? Kewl! Go HERE.

I have a thing about zombies. I love zombie movies. Even the really bad ones. Now you can snipe the bad boys here. Have fun!

Wow, sometimes its hard to be a Bush backer. But I am, I only wish he had that cool Force Choke or lightning fingers. Then we would be in business!!! Instead, he only has interesting rehtoric...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I know...Its been a while....shutup!~

Ok. I have been lazy, I will admit it. So, where have I been:

Do not click this link if you have work to do.

This should definetly be checked, you will need quicktime! PES rocks!!!

NOW you know what the hell I have been doing!