Thursday, October 20, 2005

From the mouth of babes...Episode 1

Have you seen the Dish Network television ad that portrays a group of people eating dinner and the television is sucking thing off the table and sticking them to the screen. The conversation goes on about how cable sucks so much that this is the end effect. The other people go on to say that their television doesn't suck because they have Dish Network. Cute commercials especially the companion piece that shows the toddler in his walker being sucked across the floor by the television. The other one sucks up the cat, which I especially enjoyed. I love cat humor.... anyway.

So you are probably wondering why I brought up these adds. Well, I will tell you. I have the type of television that you have to switch to the device you want to watch. If you want to watch the DVD you have to hit the button and it kicks it over to the DVD player. Some may remember having to turn the VCR (for all you kiddies, movies used to come on tape) on and change the TV to CH.3 or 4 and watch your movie. I don't have this type of television, mine you have to switch the inputs with the remote. If you don't get it, you may not have a television and Nixon is no longer president.

Anyway.... Wife 1.0 and I had been watching a movie the night before and when we went to bed I didn't switch the input back to cable. When you do this and turn the TV on it justshows a grey screen. Fast forward six hours and son 1.0 or "The Boy" is awake and wants to watch cartoons. So we trudge out to the living room, this is the room that looks like Geoffreythe Giraffe from Toys are Us puked in our living room as Wife 1.0 puts it, to turn on the wonder box of entertainment and Shazam! A grey screen.

The Boy looks up at me and with all the incredulity that a three year old can muster, looked me right in the eye and stated as a point of FACT "but....MY television doesn't suck!"

Wife 1.0 was forced to rescue me due to my falling flat on my arse and laughing so friggin' hard I almost ruptured my spleen.

Teh Rev.


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