Friday, February 25, 2005

Manic Monday

The Bangles….What a group. Manic Monday is a great song. Girls where are ya when we need ya?


Ok, now that you know what is currently flowing across my speakers, lets get on with today’s post. Don’t you get a little tired of the bad news that the media throws at us. Some fruit cake in Texas takes out his ex-wife and an innocent bystander over custody. The cops, rightfully so, ventilated his ass. Why does the media choose to tell us this? Why don’t we hear about this shit coming out of the inner city? Why do we hear about it at all? Aren’t there bigger news stories that can be reported, or at least ones that will make us feel decent about being a member of the human race?


Happy news, my son has slowed down on the dinosaur craze. He is now over the top for Thomas the Tank Engine train sets. WARNING to ALL PARENTS. This train thing will make you go broke in a heartbeat. The kids love the trains, play with them for hours, but we now have enough track to circle the earth approx. 4.3 times. Dang the THOMAS!!! Dang thee to Heck!


Things I hate today: Still stuck on the John Kerry bumper sticker issue. What really got me going was a Wellstone sticker. If you don’t know who Wellstone was, he was a relatively decent Senator for Minnesota. He and several members of family and staff died tragically in a plane crash. But people STILL have Wellstone stickers on their cars. I almost expect them to be sporting #3 stickers and have NASCAR stickers. I understand tributes. Build a statue, donate to a worthy cause in the persons name, but give me a friggin’ break with the bumper stickers.


Anyway, that’s my rant. Peace : Out


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Now what...

This must happen to everyone now and then. You go out and do a little research, find a nice place to host your web log, make a couple of posts and *BANG* you suddenly can’t think of a think to write about. I have been trying to figure out what people would like to read about. Should I be topical? Should I be political? Should I be a sexist bastard? Perhaps just a bastard? Then it donned on me. I am not really writing this for “people.” I am writing this for me. Now you may be asking the same thing that I asked myself. Why online, why not in a journal on the bedside table? Why expose yourself to the flotsam of the internet. Feedback I think. Yep, feedback would have to be it. Putting pen to paper is most satisfying I will admit, however, not a lot of people read your personal journal, unless you are famous and dead, and then its too late for feedback. I guess I am one of those people who like feedback. I think it helps to me to question me. Often times when I get feedback, criticism, call it what you will, I look to myself and say, ‘Did I really say that, and did I mean it the way I said it? Do I really care how this person feels? Did it evoke the reaction that I wanted? If not, what went wrong?’


So, I think if you do stop by and read my posts and decide to stop back again, you will find whatever happens to be floating around in my head. I may post about my kids, or my wife, or my life in general, or something that I feel strongly about. And my wife will tell you that when I feel strongly about something that I can be a bit preachy, hence ‘Reverend Mo.


Now it is late, so go to bed! You have an early day tomorrow! May it be filled with adventure.



Tuesday, February 22, 2005

You ever wonder...

Ever wonder why Boy Scouts help little old ladies across the street, but the little old men are left to the whims of fate? What is it with the Scouts?

Monday, February 21, 2005

And we do this WHY????

Liv Arneson and Ann Bancroft are setting off once again on a nicker freezing tour. This time they are going to cross the Atlantic. The local liberal rag that carried the story here. Warning, they will probably want you to register.

So here is my question, in today's world of super satellites, global mapping, ability to measure ice densities, and all of the remote science that we can perform, WHY in the HELL would two people cross the frozen north? In the name of science? Bullshit! In the name of themselves, probably a lot closer to the truth. What really get me is if these two "EXPLORERS" (ok, TIME out. Explorers...Really, is there any place left on this friggin planet to explore? I mean really dark continent exploration? Nope, sure as shit ain't.) get into trouble, someone is going to spend an ass load of money to rescue them....Because they went exploring something that DOESN'T NEED TO BE EXPLORED!!! Wanna impress me? Strap a rocket to your ass, spend 3 months in the frozen dark and go explore Mars! That's a friggin explorer!

Thing that pissed me off today: Pro Kerry bumper stickers. For those of you with a pro Kerry/ anti Bush bumper sticker, go buy a friggin razor blade and SCRAPE THAT SHIT OFF!!! Election is over. GET OVER IT!

Anyway... That's my opinion.

Inagural Post

I finally did it. I didn't have a choice really. I was busilly bouncing about the web reading other web logs, all the time telling myself that I could do that. So I did. And you get to read my first irrelevent post.